Sunday, February 16, 2014

Kristin's brush with Royalty!

Yes, those rumors you've been hearing are true...I met, chatted with, and shook the hand of Prince Charles (aka the future King of England!).  I'm still in awe...did that really just happen?!  Yes, yes it did.

How on earth did this happen, you ask?  Well, a friend of mine (fellow American) works at a UK charity, Shakespeare Schools Festival.  A few weeks ago, to launch their 15th year (which happens to be a landmark year, due to the fact that it's the 450th Anniversary of Shakespeare's birth), they held a Festival Gala in the presence of Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall...and thanks to my friend, my name was on the guest list!  It was an amazing afternoon (I urge you all to visit to learn more about this wonderful charity) - the performances were very impressive, and of course, I will never forget my once in a lifetime brush with royalty!

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